I have been good at documenting my shortcomings here on this blog.
I don’t like the feeling of just talking about the victories, you know?
So here comes one more:
I’m very bad at selling.
And I don’t just mean business-wise.
Also in a personal way, like flirting or even just selling myself.
Like talking about me and my journey to other people.
Today I was having a conversation, and the person started to ask me about my work, my travels, what I studied at university…
And I really love my story and the paths I took!
But I just became soooo socially awkward…
Couldn’t connect the sentences in the right way.
Felt so strange and weird.
Then afterward, I was a little upset about it…
I have had a crazy and interesting life until now that needs to be communicated in a better way!
But that’s it, just one more thing to work on.
A good weekend to all of you.