Today I made a big step in one of my habits!
It’s a habit but also a skill that I have been trying to develop for a while now.
But just became serious about it this year.
Learning German.
It’s a long story but I lived in Germany for 7 months, 5 years ago.
Since then I have had this huge desire to learn the languag!.
I have dreams about it…
The day I will be back in Berlin and understand every fucking sign.
That I will hear all the conversations.
That I will order things and talk to anyone in their mother tongue!
I know it’s a long-term thing and I need to be patient about it…
But these last four months I’m taking it seriously, created this routine to study at least 30 minutes every day.
I’m doing a free course that I found and feeling improvement…
Very slow, baby steps, but I know that I’m improving!
And today something almost magical happened…
I had a conversation in German with a native!
Okay, it was just an exchange of a few basic sentences that lasted for 3 minutes.
But it felt so natural.
Of course, I made mistakes, words were missing, and I spoke some English in between…
But just to have the confidence to look at a German-speaking person (I heard her talking with a friend)
And ask “Woher kommen Sie?” was really a big step for me!
The best part is that she understood and replied!
Then I was able to say where I was from.
I even explained why I knew how to speak a little, and we had a little back and forth all in German!
I really felt on top of the world!
This will give me even more motivation to keep pushing hard on my German studies!
If you are trying to learn a new skill and feeling stuck, just remember that growth is not linear, and these big leaps can happen at any moment, especially after periods when we feel a plateau in improvement!
Just keep pushing.
See you guys tomorrow!