June 17th, 2024 – Holiday

I was productive today after a couple of lazy days going nowhere.

Got some stuff done and felt good about myself.

Today was a holiday here.

I know Malaysia has about 15 public holidays and doesn’t even fit in the top 10 most holidays—some countries have more than 30, like Nepal and Iran.

But living here sure feels like a lot.

This is not a complaint, though, haha.

Went to train BJJ and had a really good session, then went to the cafe I always go to and got through some overdue work for about 4 hours.

After this, did some grocery shopping and came back to my apartment.

Today I was thinking that I like my routine.

It’s good to have a “boring life.”

Especially if you are able to do this from different places sometimes.

Like, just reading what I do over and over can seem pretty dull, but when you remember I’m from Brazil and living in Asia, things become more interesting.

I’ve lived here for a year and a half already and it still feels like an alien place sometimes.

Everything is different.

And I just love this!

It’s not nice to live in the future, but I’m always curious what the future holds for me, what type of experiences I’m still going to live in this crazy journey.

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