June 18th, 2024 – What if Money Didn’t Exist

Today I remembered a video I watched years ago.

It was that motivational stuff.

But it had one main question as a theme that stuck in my mind:

“What if money didn’t exist?”

How would your life look?

How would you spend your days?

What would be your work, if any?

Today I had a full day, started teaching at 12:30 and ended at 21:30.

And I thought about this question.

And I was so happy to think about it.

Because if money were not a concern, I would spend my time training Jiu Jitsu all day, every day.

100% sure.

Of course, I would do some things on the side.

But the main thing would be BJJ.

I cannot stress enough how much I love this.

And to think that right now my day job is teaching Jiu Jitsu.

That most of my time is on the mat.

Talking about and doing the thing I love most.

It’s so fucking crazy.

I feel so privileged and blessed!

I will always remind myself of this!

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